In Case of Emergency...

Disaster/Emergency Planning (COAD)

Most days, we go through our daily, school, family activities...but emergency situations can quickly throw life into turmoil if we are not prepared. In the midwest, weather emergencies like tornadoes, flooding and snow storms are regular occurrences. On a national level, we worry about terrorist attacks and health outbreaks. No matter what the scale of the emergency, having a well-prepared safety plan is key to getting through the event and getting back to normal routines.

COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster) is a group of community organizations, businesses, nonprofits and individuals working together to plan community responses to a variety of emergency and disaster situations. The St. Charles County COAD has developed its website to help those in our community find resources to assist them in preparing personal and organizational emergency plans, connecting with emergency preparedness groups and trainings and finding up-to-the minute information should an emergency situation occur.

If you would like to submit an emergency preparedness or training resource/event, please send an email with the resource/event information, including date, location, hosting agency and contact email and/or website.

"It Started Like Any Other Day," a video prepared by FEMA, tells the stories of families affected by disaster. Learn why it is important to have a plan for yourself, your family, your business and your community.



COAD Events Calendar