Continuum of Care Competition

St. Charles, Lincoln & Warren County Continuum of Care Program Information

The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is a HUD-funded program designed to engage community providers towards the goal of ending homelessness for all persons. However, the most vulnerable persons are prioritized for services. HUD provides funding to nonprofit providers as well as State and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families. HUD expects that communities engage in collaborative and coordinated efforts to develop a system of care that allows for persons experiencing homelessness to find permanent housing, increase skills and income while affording them the opportunity of self-direction and choice. The CoC program also houses the legacy Supportive Housing Program (SHP).

MO-503 Continuum of Care

The Continuum of Care is a community plan and planning group that deliver housing and services to meet the specific needs of people who are homeless, as they move to stable housing and self-sufficiency. The Continuum also plans community action steps to end homelessness and to reduce returns to homelessness. CLICK HERE to learn more about the Continuum of Care and address understanding community need.

Community Council is the lead agency for the MO-503 Continuum of Care serving St. Charles, Lincoln, and Warren Counties. As lead agency, Community Council provides staffing support for the Continuum and manages the Coordinated Entry call center and HMIS data system for the Continuum.

The Continuum of Care planning group generally meets the third Friday of each month at 9:00am either virtually or at various locations around the region. For more information about the Continuum of Care and/or to receive regular communication about the continuum, email Dottie Kastigar at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

NEW! MO-503 Continuum of Care Announces Local Competition Results and Approved Consolidated Application for FY23 HUD Program Funding Competition

To review the approved Consolidated Application, CLICK HERE

To review the local competition results, CLICK HERE

To review the approved Project Priority Listing for all new and renewal applications, CLICK HERE

To review the local project scoring tool, CLICK HERE

For comments or questions about the Collaborative Application, email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it